Jae-Chan Ahn and Young-Sun Nam
Shirley Anderson* ’52
Sally (Peterson) Atherton ’66
Grace (Brynolson) Atkinson* ’33
Elaine (Tubbs) Austin* ’36
Martine Baker-Anderson* ’57
Anne (Murray) Barbey* ’38
Ruth (Nunan) Bartells* ’26
Sue (Spiegle) Batema ’61
Rex J. Bates*
Barry and Susan Bauska
Mildred Anne (Campbell) Bechtel* ’45
Florence Behnke*
Catherine (McPherson) Bernhard* ’30
Suzanne (Baker) Bethke* ’55
Kay Bishop* ’60
Ruth Bishop* ’63
Ann Bogrette*
Dzidra Briedis*
Betty Lou (Ervin) Broderick ’53
Beverley Brown* ’41
Samuel Brown*
Alma (Corry) Campbell Fleet ’64
Laura and Mark Carlson
Patricia (Sutherland) Carver '45
Michael Churng and Kate Dorr ’96
Tad Ellis*
Mary (Turrill) Ellis* ’39
Anne Field*
Judith (Yengling) Forkner '63
Jane (Spencer) Foster* ’56
Will and Anne (Middleton) Foster ’70
Katherine (Parks) George '61
Barbara Glasgow* ’36
Stacey and Jake Guadnola ’90MS
Dorothea (Cragin) Hanich '63
Pamela Hanson ’70
E. Harvey Headland*
Greta (Shaw) Heide* ’24
Allan and Melissa* (Sallee Sheldon) Hess ’63
Henry and Barbara Hewitt*
William and Anne (Fisher) Hofius* ’55
Susanne (Fisher) Hubbach* ’37
William and Elizabeth (Doud) Hyde* ’38
Mildred (Russell) Jensen* ’50
Joan Gardner-Johnston*
Barbara (Roberts) Kenney* ’38
Helen (Edwards) Kenney* ’46
Rebecca Kirkpatrick ’97
Susan Kirkpatrick
Janet (Ferris) Koltun-Titus ’53
James Mack Koon Jr
Elizabeth (Allen) Koons* ’36
Sally Briggs Leighton
Phyllis Lewis
Sharon Levy
John and Sara Long
Rose Magrini*
Susan* and David Manger
Patricia (Gibson) McAvity* ’60
Amy (Schanno) McCarthy* ’54
John and Burdette (Craig) McClelland* ’36
Edward and Adele (Houx) Miller* ’49
Kathryn Monroe*
Derry Ann Moritz* ’53
Allen and Elizabeth (Ayrault) Moses* ’48
Kimberley Munson '82
Lynne (Rubush) Nickel* ’60
Marjorie Oda-Burns ’66
Yu Chin Pan*
J. Bruce and Laura (Gonyea) Partridge ’70
Cordelia (Hartwell) Puttkammer ’57
Linda (Waldherr) Riggio ’67
Marlene (Westfall) Robbins ’73
Peggy Lou (Stebbins) Roberts* ’35
Jean (Harriett) Roskos*
Frances (Young) Rushton* ’38
Ruth (McFarland) Rystogi* ’31
Robert and Eleanor Sanders*
Veronica Sauer '86
Rand and Lynn (Beaty) Sealey ’61
Grace (Rexroth) Seaman* '48
Kathryn (Works) Schipper '79
Lance and Marion (Williamson) Shipley ’89
Jay and Peachy Smalling
Pamela Hyde Smith '63
Suzanne P. Smith* ’82
Ann (Terteling) Sparks* ’53
Barbara (Brooks) Spaulding* ’34
Mary Jane Stamm* ’42
Susan (Backus) Stoller '66
Waldo and Norma (Gjertsen) Stone*
Herman Tenzler*
Eleanor (Walker) Threlkel '55
Camilla Titcomb*
Mary Trodden ’69
Bob and Emily (McFadon) Vincent ’49
Kristen Wallerich ’75
Marilyn (Muckey) Walter* ’44
Barbara Jean White Eckles
Peter and Karen (Warren) Wickstrand ’60
Holly (Hewitt) Wight '61
Wilbur Woodhams*
Virginia (Baker) Woolf* ’36
*Heritage Society members noted with an asterisk have already left their legacy at Annie Wright Schools.