Upper School


At Annie Wright we believe ALL of our students can and must create — and we offer a range of opportunities for every student to practice, analyze, imagine, design and perform.
Annie Wright Upper Schools uphold spaces within & beyond the school day for students to develop skills and discipline as creative thinkers, generators, problem-solvers, technicians, collaborators, and expressors. Within the academic program, arts-based development in music and visual arts are guided through IB arts curricula and elective courses unique to Annie Wright Schools. Beyond the school day, students extend their interests in discipline-specific areas including orchestra, music production, theatre performance, theatre design & tech, visual arts, digital media, and cinematic storytelling.

Arts in Academics

Students in Grades 9 & 10 may choose to take Art & Design, a skills- and project-based exploration of music, visual art and film. They can also elect to fulfill their art credits outside of school with a sanctioned activity. Many students focus on a specific arts discipline in a two-year IB course in Grades 11 and 12, potentially earning college credits for that work.  

Accelerating in the Arts

List of 3 items.

  • Varsity Arts: An Original Program

    USB & USG students wanting to “level up” in their commitment and profile within the arts may hop aboard a 10-week after school study in visual arts portfolio, music production, or cinematic storytelling. During each of the three Varsity Arts seasons, students come together daily as a team of artists to work with professional artists and coaches, explore local community and university resources, and generate new artistic works. Every Varsity Arts season culminates with a featured gallery, concert, or preview to uphold and celebrate the students’ work. Within the Varsity Arts program, more advanced students may apply for recognition as an Artist Laureate. Laureates receive featured showcase slots, a stipend from the school to cover materials and supplies, and accelerated mentorship in their artistic field.
  • Orchestra: An Award-Winning Program

    Our award-winning Upper School Orchestra brings string musicians from the USB & USG together to play top-tier music, led by the regions’ top orchestral directors. This “zero period” ensemble convenes several times each week to kick-off their school day with powerful music. Over the course of the year, the Upper School Orchestra performs at seasonal concerts, school-wide traditions, local contests/competitions, and for regional workshops / masterclasses.
  • Mainstage Theatre: A Professionally Modeled Program

    Our 350-seat performing arts facility hosts 2-3 “mainstage” production opportunities each year for Upper School theatre-makers. Working with professional stage directors, acting coaches, choreographers, and technical theatre / design experts, USB and USG students explore a range of genres and performance styles including classical and contemporary works, as well as musicals and experimental / new works. Mainstage Theatre at AWS excels in strengthening student’s performance skills (speaking/movement/presence), design skills (costume/scenic/lighting/sound artistry) and stage management skills (organization/delegation/company management) while bolstering empathy, community, and diverse perspectives among theatre-makers and audience alike.

Upper School Student Art